
iMC2000  IOT Management Cloud Platform
iMC2000 IOT Management Cloud Platform
iMC2000 intelligent network management cloud platform is a smart centralized network management platform for centralized and remote unified management of equipment.

iMC2000 intelligent network management cloud platform is a smart centralized network management platform for centralized and remote unified management of equipment.
The platform is based on the advanced browser/server (B/S) architecture, the user through a WEB browser can remote monitoring, configuration and management of equipment, convenient use, can greatly reduce the cost of equipment management.

Remote monitoring
Remote configuration
Remote upgrade: instant/time upgrade
Device topology: device discovery, topology management
Statistical functions: equipment type statistics, equipment online status statistics, traffic statistics
Alarm function: page alarm, email alarm, SMS alarm
User management: hierarchical sub-permission management
System management: menu management, time synchronization, system parameters, log management
Performance: support 3000 sets and above equipment access